Skid School for Teens
First of all, congratulations! Now that you've got your license, you've got the independence and freedom to go where you want when you want to go there. It's an awesome time in your life, but you have to remember that this great freedom also brings great responsibility. What do you do when a car pulls out right in front of you? Or if that kid in the crosswalk decides to go for it and cross the street? When you first get your license it's hard to keep in mind that not knowing the answer to questions like those can change your life forever.
You probably fell the first time you got on a bike or a snowboard, and you probably botched your first kiss (we all did!), but the difference is that when you're driving, you've got your life and those of others in your hands — we don't want you to botch that.
We're professional drivers who know the limits of the car. We've devoted a huge portion of our lives to understanding what it takes to know and control those limits and we want to pass that knowledge on to you to keep you safe. Our instructors also understand that the more fun you have with the program the more fun it is for us to teach it. You should have a lifetime of driving ahead of you; give us half a day to teach you the skills and attitude it takes to make sure you get it. See our schedule or register here. |